Funny Taxi Story: there is any kind of things forgotten in the taxi…

It was Sunday in the afternoon, ready to take the night shift, this is a day when is usually with low competition because it’s the day off of the taxi drivers. The first service given: a 50 years old man raises his hand to stop the taxi, he asked for the cost to go to a certain destination, after asking him if he was going to travel alone, which is a very common question to do as a taxi driver, the man said his mother was going to take the taxi with him.

His mother, was a very nice old lady who seemed to be enjoying the trip, the man was very kind towards her, it was very easy to see how much he loved her. All the way long the man was a very nice talker, that kind of passengers that makes the trip seem to be shorter, every topic was in the conversation, soccer, politics, among others.

There have been all kinds of things forgotten at the taxi, but never a mother

When we arrived the destination, a neighborhood which was at the outsides of a town that was near, and the wind is strong, and the road makes you drive in a spiral. The man made the payment, and then the trip back begins looking for another service, which happened very soon, it was a cute couple that asked about the cost to be taken to a certain destination, but then they saw the back seat, claiming it was occupied, something that was totally unexpected, when turning in the back seat, there she was, the nice old lady smiling from ear to ear.

There is always checked when a passenger leaves the taxi, but that time that precaution wasn’t taken, then the road back was immediately taken, and when we arrived at the destination, there were some ladies hitting the man that previously had taken the taxi, they were calmed down when they saw their mother was fine, but after thanking me, they continued hitting the poor man.